P1: An exciting new alternative to on-site and wide-area DMR
Posted on May 31, 2022
Eliminating the need for costly and complex infrastructure, P1 performs exceptionally for multi-site, high-density city centre, cross-country and cross-border operations. Whether for a pair or thousands of portables and with a virtually unlimited number of channels and groups, users will be delighted with the range, reliability and clarity of this comprehensive communication solution. Watch our YouTube video for more information: ow.ly/4tEG50DBgHN
For about the same cost as a single basic DMR Tier II repeater, a 500-User P1 PoC system:
- Supports simple or sophisticated applications – If you just need a pair of radios with push to talk and countrywide coverage, P1 DN495 radios can deliver just that. However P1 can also supports the features and capabilities of a major DMR Tier III radio system, plus more, at a fraction of the cost.
- Supports a far higher capacity - Up to 500 radio users with a virtually unlimited number of trunked channels (to match your / your clients budget, up to 50, 100, 1000, 3,000 & 5,000 user P1 servers are also available).
- Has few limitations - A virtually unlimited number of channels and simultaneous calls is possible; for example, a 500 user server supports 250 simultaneous calls.
- Is low-Cost - The advanced DN495 P1 radio costs significantly less than top brand DMR Tier II radios and the PC Dispatcher software only costs about as much as a couple of standard DMR radio batteries.
- Supports multiple separate users - Splitting P1 users into multiple ‘Teams’ enables each team to have its own set of ‘always available’ private channels.
- Supports Single-Site and Multi-Site systems – A single P1 server supports any number of sites / locations without the need for extra repeaters / servers, delivering an extremely cost effective and future-proof solution.
- Has virtually unlimited range - P1 Supports On-Site, Regional, National and Cross-Border coverage.
- Delivers a far better return on investment - A single 500 user P1 server provides 20 times, or more, the revenue earning potential when compared to a single DMR repeater.
- Is ideal for short term hire – P1 servers can be hosted almost anywhere providing instant deployment of customer systems (without the need to install repeaters on-site), all the coverage / interference free channels you need and no ‘off-hire’ costs
- On-Site systems with no ongoing costs - WiFi connected systems have no on-going costs (not even a radio license) and, if required, can be run ‘off-line’ (without an internet connection) e.g. in tunnels, mines, museums, factories, warehousing, education etc.
- Low cost wide-area coverage - UK National Cellular connected systems require a data SIM data that costs from £1.80 (RRP), or less, per radio, per month. PAYG, Pre-Loaded and Contract SIM’s can be used. One option is Entel’s EU roaming SIM that covers all four UK networks providing a very high degree of redundancy, approximately 94% UK landmass coverage as well as most of Europe. If required, you can of course use your own in country SIM.
- Supports City & Rural systems - Instantaneous coverage with high quality channels is available almost anywhere including major cities (where a traditional radio license may be very difficult to obtain) and rural areas.
- P1 is simple and versatile - P1 is available pre-installed on a DELL PC or in Amazon cloud. A basic configuration is already applied for you. All you need to do is program groups, aliases, emergency settings etc. (just like a regular radio system).
- P1 is secure - P1 supports AES256 bit Encryption to secure your DN495 radios communications.
- Staff protection / Evidence gathering – In addition to Emergency, Lone-Worker and Man-down features with transmit interrupt and full duplex speech. P1 supports data and call recording as standard (can be disabled if not required).
- OTA Programming - P1 is Over The Air programmed, you can re-configure the server and DN495 radios etc. without having to leave your office
- High degree of redundancy - If required, it is possible to build a very high degree of redundancy with P1 (at a fraction of the cost of traditional radio systems).
- Multiple Terminal and Dispatcher options – P1 supports DN495 portable radios, Smartphones, PC and IP Phone dispatchers.
- Links with existing radio systems - P1 radios can be linked to existing DMR Tier II or Analogue radio systems using Entel’s Gateway 3.0 single box solution. Additionally, Entel’s Universal Gateway provides a link between P1 and virtually any other type of legacy radio network. Providing increased capacity, range or a simple migration path.
Key P1 Features
• Group and individual calling • Broadcast / All call* • Priority call (call interrupt) • Talk Group monitor (listen to two or more groups at a time) • Dynamic calls • Contact book • Voice recording • Remote microphone live • GPS location data • Data recording • Emergency / Lone-Worker / Man-Down (with DN terminals) • Emergency call GPS location • Remote mic live • Communication with existing radio systems (requires Radio Gateway) • Remote configuration and programming over IP • Presence check (see who is on-line)
Messaging & Data
• Send / receive text messages to / from a DN radio* • Send text messages to some / group / all DN radios* • GPS location data • Data recording • Emergency / Lone-Worker / Man-Down (with DN terminals) • Emergency call GPS location • Communication with existing radio systems (requires Radio Gateway) • Remote configuration and programming over IP • Presence check (see who is on-line)
• Emergency / Lone-Worker / Man-Down (with DN terminals) • Emergency call GPS location • Remote mic live (full duplex)
* Feature in development as of Mar 2021, please check availability with Entel
• Communication with existing radio systems (requires Radio Gateway) • Remote configuration and programming over IP • Presence check (see who is on-line)
Steve Mulka, Entel’s Product Manager said:“With instant deployment almost anywhere, a virtually unlimited range and number of channels and, best of all, no interference, there has never been a more comprehensive solution. Simply power on the DN400 Series handset and it’s ready to go.”
A P1 system comprises several components, together ensuring the very best performance, resilience, security and features. Whether off-the-shelf or bespoke, end users have the flexibility to optimise the solution for their operations:
- DN400 Series: 4G LTE Wi-Fi PoC Radio Entel’s best-in-class DN400 Series is the vital component needed to realise P1’s full performance and resilience.
- P1 PC or Cloud PoC Server: Low-Cost Private PoC server P1 servers are preconfigured and simple to install. Entel’s P1 Server delivers the equivalent of an On-Site / National / European / Global Digital trunked network but at the cost of a single DMR repeater with aerial system.
- P1 PC Dispatcher: Low-Cost Command & Control Centre Solution PC software enabling controllers to communicate with, locate, manage and ensure the safety of your mobile workforce.
- P1 Android Dispatcher: Low-Cost IP Phone Dispatcher Software This powerful, multifunction dispatcher enables you to communicate with, locate, manage and ensure the safety of your mobile workforce from the convenience of a desktop IP video phone.
- P1 Application for Android & iOS*: Low-Cost Push-To-Talk Application Enabling smartphone and tablet users to communicate with the P1 network in a similar way to our DN400 Series radios.
- P1 Recorder: Included Voice & Data Recording Application This smart, multi-function software allows controllers to sort, search and replay voice records, view message history and monitor user activity. Plus, GPS location history grants to ability to analyse user movements. Best of all it’s free with your P1 server.
- P1 Universal Gateway, P1 VHF Gateway, P1 UHF Gateway: Professional Gateway Solution Connecting P1 to Existing Radio Systems This all-in-one and easy-to-install, low-cost gateway enables you to significantly extend the range of, or migrate from, existing radio systems.
* iOS app due Q4 2021