Entel is proud to be first to market with the EU-approved, 6.25KHz digital mode of operation on its UHF marine portable range.
To date, the shipping industry has predominantly used analogue radio equipment onboard. However, with the introduction of digital DMR to the land market several years back, we have seen some uptake in the marine market. That said, due to strict EU approvals, DMR digital radios can only be used on non-EU flag vessels. The only digital UHF radio standard approved for use onboard EU flag vessels is 6.25KHz digital mode of operation.
Uniquely Entel’s UHF Marine radios can be programmed with either the European standard 6.25KHz digital mode of operation or DMR digital and Analogue channels. Key benefits of Entel’s digital radios include clearer digital quality audio and improved range with no degradation of quality or interference.
Initially, 6.25KHz digital mode will be available on Entel’s DT UHF Fire Fighter radios and DT UHF Intrinsically Safe radios. We expect rollout of the DT models to commence in Q1 2024, with DX models to follow shortly afterwards.
Entel will offer a free firmware update to support 6.25KHz digital mode of operation for most current DX and DT UHF marine radios. This firmware can be applied easily, even on board the vessels, using Entel’s unique drag and drop programmer, link to video here:
To check your radio’s compatibility, please contact our support desk advising your radios model and serial number.
Models with 6.25KHz digital mode/DMR & analogue: